Tuesday, 22 January 2013

              HARD WORKING - HEALTH - WEALTH - CONSERVATION - CREATING                                    
 India as a Democratic country and the majority of the country's two social groups in this country always a risk that has a very noble truth. Islam, Dalit is. These Hindus enemies that question casts our fear and yes the only answer to., But the white remote Seeing his thoughts about the addiction about white skin Islamic delay, but it must be a big matter. white leather with a classic human beings means that the question casts a yes answer, then the answer is white leather with a Business religious color, caste painted dwarf foxes that identify them carefully and place to be. them our culture to destroy said. them above the two-culture to most of them. they thus remain a minority community that is due. hence our religion with the majority of the community to become the new religion, we create are. our religion policy Let's see in detail what it is. now invites everyone to a new dimension of the Hindu religion.
British - white only - that the Lord has links to the third question is, if I say yes. Accept this, why are not my policy. Reasons.
In the culture of which it is a classic of the things we need to take. ISHAISM our culture and religion, and a new start for this purpose an awareness among men, brotherhood, peace, progress, and was based on.
The principles of religion:
-          Our God is the only Lord Shiva. Shivam if that includes all
-          Has a white heart or confidence, enthusiasm, hard Nature, as it helps to have a  white heart to the Internet.
-          The British government: the  British government control, fighting nature, business, success, confidence, excellence in leadership as well as the British government is the symbol of our religion.
-          No one should Narcotics consumption.
-          Monogamy is a must have.
-          Should not be unemployed.
-          Our religion is a sign of the British policies.
-          Mustache, beard and hair should not be too much.
-          In any country to provide assistance to the country by the British policy.
-          Riot, strike, not to engage in violence.
-          The body needs to be healthy and whole.
-          The religion of HINDU, MUSLIM, CHRISTINE is no difference. Want anyone to come and join it.
-          The Dalits have no religion. Caste Hindus are not economically divided in the country.They are 1. Above class 2. Middle class 3. The class.
-          In any case, a class must be in the body is the break-even level. They do not know the difference.
-          Which was in a class should not be weaker.
-          Even though they have no class can be any class., But the goal is that everyone will have to be upper class.
-          The identification and without any sign of improving trade is only the religion. Else not to accept any identification.

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